
Lensbaby Storytellers: Carmen Moreno

Lensbaby Double Glass optic self portrait photography Carmen Moreno


Have you heard about the Lensbaby 2012 Photo Story Challenge?

We're inviting you to let your imagination run wild this summer and tell us a story using still images or video, shot only with your Lensbaby.

Need a little inspiration to help kick-start your own story? We'll be showcasing some of our favorite Lensbaby storytellers on the blog throughout the challenge. Check out self-taught Venezuelan photographer Carmen Moreno's series, "Perceptions of Myself".


What inspired your photo story?

"Perceptions of Myself" is a series inspired by my own feelings, sensations and how I see myself. It's a way to express my femininity and emotions in pictures. To me it is like a journal.

Which Lensbaby Optics did you use and why did you decide that Lensbaby would work for this particular series?

I use the Double Glass Optic, Soft Focus and recently the Edge 80 and Sweet 35 Optics in most of my works. I often use them in my self portraits because it gives a dreamy, ethereal, fragile and poetry look that helps me to refine what I want to express in my images.

Any tips to offer other photographers that are participating in the photo challenge?

Connect with what you want to express and do not be afraid to experiment. Break the rules and get away from the conventional. Live the experience of what can be achieved with all the wonderful tools that Lensbaby provides. Most important: Enjoy it!


See more of Carmen Moreno's work here.

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