
Laura Rivera Captures the Curves of Classic Cars

Inspired by sophisticated lines, photographer Laura Rivera recently created dramatic detail images at a classic car show in Arlington, Texas. Using her Sony A7 and Lensbaby Velvet 56, she created a wide variety of images. We love how she paired Velvet 56's macro mode and aperture range. At a wider aperture she created a softer focus and blur to imply movement and at a closed down aperture she found sharpness and got a feel for how versatile the lens was. With the Velvet 56 she was able to find a retro look that was reminiscent of her Nikkormat FT2 with a 50mm lens from the 1970s. Laura can't get enough of the Velvet 56, the way it can imply movement in a still object and capture the soft glow of a classic car. She can't wait to get to her next auto show to get more shots like these.

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