
Future Eyes: An Industry Friend Helping Others See in a New Way

See the world in multiple dimension. Exercise your eyes. What is potential reality? What is infinite reality? Future Eyes has been developing the world of crystal vision for about four years now while making a book about the process of invention and seeing the future. Crystal Vision has become a major focus for this project and we are happy to be collaborating with Lensbaby on their most recent lens - the LM 30. kaleidoscope-glasses-portals-prism-crystal-vision-future-eyes

Tell us a little bit about yourself, when did you know you wanted to be an artist and why?

I have always been interested in creativity and new ways of seeing the world.

Who would you say has been the biggest influence on your art?

Probably the writer Aldous Huxley was the strongest inspiration for my wanting to be a writer and also his book The Art of Seeing has been a big influence on the Future Eyes project.james-franco-kaleidoscope-glasses-oz

If you had never become an artist, what would you be doing and why?

An artist is someone who interacts with the world by bringing their unique touch and aesthetic frequency to all they do. They could be a cook, a painter, a dancer, a photographer, a mother, a father, a gardener, an inventor or an engineer. Anyone who approaches life with a creative spark and curiosity is being artistic in a way.

Tell us about the genesis of Future Eyes.

Future Eyes was originally a book project focused on the process of invention, time travel and what it means to see the future. The glasses and the multi-faceted lenses became symbolic of the creative potential and infinite possibilities in a single moment. Just before Future Eyes I wrote a book about a family of colors and became interested in prisms and the electro-magnetic spectrum. This book is called The Light Society.

When you look through a crystal the experience requires a little more from your mind in order to process the kaleidoscopic effect. Some people can only look through a crystal for a few seconds while other people can get somewhat lost in it because by increasing the level of information entering the eye you stimulate new areas of the mind and the creative spirit can come to life. It can be disorienting for some and deeply inspiring for others. Exploring the relationship between the senses and the external world has become a fascination for me.edward-sharpe-alex-ebert-kaleidoscope-glasses-future

What are you currently working on in your own artwork as well as new Future Eyes projects?

Most recently I have been developing a documentary film about crystal vision and what it means to see the future. I have been using crystals in my films and interviewing visionaries asking them what they see in the future. Before that I was taking a lot of pictures with the crystals and someone suggested I contact Lensbaby to see if they would be interested in making a lens together. It sounded like a perfect fit.portal-kaleidoscope

What can you tell us about the Future Eyes audience? I came across a few photos of some notable musicians promoting the glasses, do you do anything else in the music community?

Another new project for Future Eyes is to do with sound what the glasses do for the eyes. Growing up in Los Angeles I have always been surrounded by wonderful creative people and it has been a lot of fun working together with them. Musically, I am hoping to replicate the crystal effect for the ears and Im working with some really wonderful producers to make this dream a reality.stringlovers

If you could choose one person in the world to be a rep for your glasses, who would it be and why?

Right now it would probably be the Dalai Lama just because I saw him speak recently and felt very connected to what he had to say.

What's your vision for the future?

Ive been interviewing many visionaries and inspired people about what the future holds and have found that the future is most likely an exact reflection of the thoughts we all contribute to the Earth as a whole, and the powerful creative people around us are deeply responsible for building the new world everyday with integrity and compassion for all living beings.

Check out the Future Eyes website here.

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