
Featured Photos of the Week! October 27, 2017

Welcome to Lensbaby’s Featured Photos of the Week Series

We struggle as we find our visual voice.

This week is all about embracing the struggle. It can be easy to share our successes but more difficult to talk about the obstacles we have to overcome. In this post, we're sharing submissions that we hope will kindle an understanding and start a conversation about how we work through our creative process.

It’s easy to feel burdened with self-doubt when we experience fear, disappointment, or failure. But, aren’t the highs and lows equal parts of the process? Doesn’t personal struggle often lead to growth, learning, and improvement? We need to remind ourselves, and the rest of the world, that it’s okay to take risks. It’s okay to try new things and admit we don’t have everything figured out — as long as we can fall down, get back up, and keep going with more experience than before.

If you'd like to be featured, send your best images to, tag Lensbaby on Instagram, and share your photos in our Lensbaby Unplugged Facebook group.

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