Choose Your Lensbaby


Sharp slice of focus & smooth blur

Get the effect with Edge 35 & 50 lenses and optics.

Create a seriously unique look - all in-camera.

Capture your own crazy view of the world.

Find Your Edge

Create a sharp slice of focus through your frame in any direction, bordered by soft blur and bokeh.

© Stephanie DeFranco

© Jerrid Jones

Miniaturized Magic

Plus, get a magical miniature look with our Edge lenses by shooting from up above, at a brighter aperture, with heavy tilt.

Tell More Powerful Stories

Draw the viewer’s eye, highlight details in the foreground & background and blur out distractions with the Edge effect.

© Stephanie DeFranco

Empower Your Creativity

Get the Edge Effect

"Using the Edge 35 felt a bit more like creating a work of art from scratch than simply capturing what you see."


-Hillary K. Grigonis

"The Edge 35 is impressively sharp."


-Angela Nicholson

"The Edge 50 definitely has magical powers that can transform the very ordinary into something a little different."


-Janet Broughton

"Gives an edge to artistic photographers who want to play with focus."


-Jim Fisher

"In a time when the world of photography is looking for faster, sharper, wider and lighter the Edge 35 will make you more connected to your photography."

Joe Porter

"The Edge 50 is my all-time favorite lens. It helps me see and capture ordinary scenes in completely different way and to tell a better story."

Mina Mimbu

"The Edge 35 is the perfect focal range for me, enabling me to include more background and detail, whilst at the same time providing me with that fantastic slice of focus that really makes the Edge lenses so special."

Emma Wood

"The day that I got my new Composer Pro II with Edge 50 I jumped for joy!!! It was sort of like meeting an old friend but for the first time."

April Milani