Lensbaby Unplugged Member of the Week | Susan Lindberg

Lensbaby Unplugged Member of the Week | Susan Lindberg

Lensbaby Unplugged Member of the Week

Interview with Susan Lindberg

Each week we feature a Lensbaby Unplugged Member and learn more about their photography history. Read more to learn about Susan's photography experience!
Susan Lindberg with Lensbaby

Q: What is your favorite shoot you've ever done?

A: In the garden because there are so many beautiful flowers to photograph and I really enjoy alternating Lensbaby lenses experimenting with different effects especially with the macro filters. Landscape photos with the Sol45 selective focus. It draws the eye and changes the feeling of the photo. Also allows me to create a photo different from other photos of the same subject. Photographing children and animals especially with the Sol45 and Twist60 because I can easily select the focus to be the subjects regardless of the background and can definitely be creative with the background effects.


Q: What inspires you to reach for your camera? How often do you reach for your camera?

A: I shoot several times a week at least. It is an escape for me and a chance to disconnect from all else and focus on something I love to do. It doesn't take much to inspire me - a change in the weather, travel (local or not), flowers in bloom, the seasons, my grandson's face:)

Q: What are your favorite Lensbaby Lenses to use in your session?

A: I have the Velvet56, Sol45, and Twist60. I love them all but probably the Velvet is the one I use most because it is so versatile and because of the beautiful bokeh of course. If I can only take one lens, the Velvet is my choice.

Susan Lindberg with Lensbaby

Q: How did you hear about Lensbaby, and what encouraged you to purchase a LB lens?

A: I don't recall how I heard about Lensbaby at first but I think it might have been when I saw photos on Instagram that I loved the look of and then checking the details of the photo which prompted me to go the the Lensbaby website to learn more.


Q:What was your journey to becoming a photographer like?

A: I have loved photography since I was a child and often took photos using my parents Brownie camera. My first SLR was a Pentax K1000 film camera. This is the camera I owned when I had my son which is when I became more serious about photography. I took several classes at the local University and since then many in person workshops and a few online classes. My current camera is a Canon T4i which I've owned since about 2005. My lenses include prime, wide, macro, 70-300 and 150-600 telephoto lenses and 3 Lensbaby lenses - Velvet56, Sol45, and Twist60. For some time I relied on auto everything but gradually have moved to manual mode. I am mainly interested in landscape, macro, wildlife, ICM, travel, and nature photography.


Q: What is your favorite subject to photograph and how would you describe your photography style?

A: I believe I am still discovering my "style". A quote I saw recently applies I think - "long term consistency beats short term intensity" (by Bruce Lee believe it or not). I tend to work slow and easy. My challenge is studying the technical aspects of photography when I just want to shoot. I do try different genres which forces me to learn the technical tools and to step out of my comfort zone. My favorite subject to photograph right now is flowers. I love the colors, shapes, and varieties of flowers. I have been using my Lensbaby lenses exclusively for this for some time because I can achieve so many different creative looks without having any rules or restrictions. I love the freedom and the challenge.

Susan Lindberg with Lensbaby

Q: What do you love the most about photography?

A: Capturing and preserving a moment in time and the fact that it requires me to be present and creative but content and relaxed.


Q: What helps you when you're struggling with a creative block?

A: Looking at the work of photographers I admire for inspiration.

Susan Lindberg with Lensbaby

Q: Would you consider yourself an adventurous photographer, or do you tend to stay in your comfort zone?

A: I would say that I am adventurous because I am open to try new genres and new experiences in photography. I am totally willing to step out of my comfort zone which I think is the only way to grow.


Q: What else would you like to see from Lensbaby in the future?

A: To be honest I haven't thought too much about it - I am focused on more current Lensbaby lenses (Soft Focus next).

Susan Lindberg with Lensbaby

Susan Lindberg

I have loved photography for as long as I can remember particularly landscape and macro. Growing up in Massachusetts with parents who loved to visit the ocean, lakes, mountains, and wooded trails of New England planted the seed for my love of all things in nature. I also love the storytelling aspect of photography and the ability to capture moments in time. For me photography provides quiet time and helps me to be creative and in the moment.

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