Bringing Creative Ideas to Life

Bringing Creative Ideas to Life

Bringing Creative Ideas to Life

Artist Interview with Erin Harrigan

Erin Harrigan is a photographer based in the United States who works to bring her creative ideas to life through her photography. We had the opportunity to interview her and learn more about her process!

Erin Harrigan with Lensbaby Edge 80

Q: When did you start taking photographs? Why did you continue?

A: I began about 5 years ago while searching for a creative outlet and continued simply because I just can’t stop.


Q: Which is your favorite Lensbaby lens and why?

A: I love them all, but the edge optics are my favorites. I really enjoy that tilt shift effect.

Erin Harrigan with Lensbaby Edge 35

Q: What tips do you have for beginners just learning how to use Edge Optics?

A: Be patient with yourself and stick with it. You’ll love what you can create.


Q: What professional photographers have influenced your work, and how do you incorporate their techniques into your photographs?

A: I think I’ve been influenced by many photographers collectively, both amateur and progressional.


Erin Harrigan with Lensbaby

Q: What is the most difficult part of being a photographer?

A: Not letting creative slumps bring me down. 2021 has been the toughest for me so far.


Q: Do you have formal training as a photographer or are you self-taught? What was that journey like?

A: Self-taught. It has been both frustrating at times and exhilarating at others. I’ve always been more of an independent learner, but is definitely say I could benefit from post processing/editing training. I struggle with that the most.


Erin Harrigan with Lensbaby

Q: What is your favorite subject to photograph?

A: Beautiful light. It changes everything.


Erin Harrigan with Lensbaby Edge 35

Q: What is the most rewarding part of being a photographer?

A: Being able to create and bring a creative idea to life.


Erin Harrigan

I’m a photographer based in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. I love the outdoors and spending time with son and my dog. My favorite things to photograph are the night sky, landscapes and candid moments with my family.

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