Burnside 35

Traveling Burnside Project

horse nose eating hay grass traveling burnside project

Were sending our brave new lens, Burnside 35 on a tour around the world and it could be coming to visit YOU!

We're launching the Traveling Burnside Project to give photographers a chance to experience the creative power of this lens for themselves for two full weeks. Apply now through April 11th by filling out this super short form. Lensbaby staff will choose who to send the lens to from the pool of applicants.

We will announce the chosen photographers the week of April 23rd, and the first round of Traveling Burnside Project photographers will be shooting by early May.

If you're selected, you'll get two weeks to shoot to your heart's desire with Burnside 35. All we'll be asking of the chosen photographers is that you share your favorite images and videos on your social media networks of choice-- including the tags #lensbaby, #burnside35 and #travelingburnside-- and write a short post about your experience with photos and/or video to share on your own blog and the official Lensbaby blog.

As a bonus, we invite you to make a small print (think 2x3 or 4x6) of your favorite Burnside image and include it with a note of advice or inspiration in the package when you send the lens along to the next photographer.

We'll have 2-3 lenses circulating at a time, and the project will run from early May through August. If you're in the US, we'll send you a shipping label to send the lens along to the next participant. For overseas participants, we'll use PayPal to reimburse you the cost of shipping the lens to the next person.

Check out this Burnside gallery below for some inspiration.

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