Composer Pro II with Edge 35

My Lensbaby Journey | Andrea Gulickx

Our lenses aren't always the easiest to use. Mastering a Lensbaby often takes patience, persistence, and passion. And sometimes even coming back to it after a while. But once it clicks, a Lensbaby lens will truly change the way you view photography! Andrea Guilckx shares both the challenges and victories from her Lensbaby journey.

When I started with photography, I bought a macro lens and a Lensbaby Double glass optic at the same time. I'd been surprised by all the pictures I saw on the internet made with Lensbaby. But when I started to work with it, I was very frustrated because I didn't get anything sharp. I saved the Lensbaby in the cupboard and it stayed there for 4 years. In those 4 years, I developed my own macro style and started teaching my macro photography workshops.

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Then, after all those years I needed a new challenge. This time, it was Lensbaby time and it felt so different. I was ready and super excited. It soon became an addiction and I added more optics to my collection. The first few years I was only interested in macro photography with the Lensbaby and I started to teach workshops with that too. Then 2 1/2 years ago I began exploring landscape photography with my Lensbaby, together with graduated density filters and polarizers. I like long exposure shots or ICM photography (intentional camera movement) on the coast which is really a big challenge with Lensbaby. But I like those kinds of challenges.

During these years I also took my Lensbaby with me into the city, but it didn't quite work for me. It was not the right time or the right place and I was not ready. Then a year ago, I had problems with my back so I had to photograph with my iPhone for a while which I was actually super excited about. I went into the city and started to explore. And it was so much fun to do. It became another addiction and I ended up giving workshops on smartphone photography in the city. I love to play with composition, perspective, shadow, and lines and also the many reflections in the buildings of the city. Infinitely possibilities. And because of the iPhone, I started to look at the city in a completely different way.

So I decided to take the Lensbaby again into the concrete jungle and this time it worked! I started at the beautiful railway station in Arnhem in the Netherlands. The results were very surprising and some pictures were almost abstract. The bending of the Lensbaby looks amazing in the pictures. A new passion and workshop were born.

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Given that when I started out my great passion was macro photography, I could never have imagined that I would end up in the city with the Lensbaby. For me, that really pushed me out of my comfort zone, but I am so happy to have taken this step. You will never have a dull moment with a Lensbaby! It surprises me every time and makes me more creative.

Check out more of Andrea's work on her website and Instagram.

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