
Make Pup Portraits Pop with Twist 60

Our 60mm f/2.5 Twist 60 lens makes the subject of your images pop by surrounding them in deliciously twisty, swirly blur and subtle vignette. Twist 60, like any of our lenses, takes a little practice and forethought in order to create those magical images you envision in your head.

Keep these guidelines in mind, and you'll get to the magic part quicker! Key ingredients for composing dog portraits like these below:

  • shoot at a bright aperture like f/2.5 or f/2.8
  • position the camera relatively close (a few feet or so) to your subject
  • make sure there are several feet of separation between subject and background
  • place your subject against a background that has plenty of texture

A pooch adoringly looking up at you (or that treat in your hand) provides natural separation between subject and background. And the ground - be it grass, gravel, or pavement - is naturally textured, making Twist 60 a particularly fun lens for dog portraits.

_mg_0870_1000pblogbenh twist 60 photo by ben hutchinson
twist60_dog-blog-6 twist 60 photo by louise zabriskie
untitled-3-2-2_1000pblog twist 60 photo by greig reid
27846804281_1000pblogbenh twist 60 photo by ben hutchinson
twist60_dog-blog-7 twist 60 photo by ana rosenberg
twisted-dogs-7laurenscampforblog twist 60 photo by lauren wilcox

If the swirly bokeh is a bit too intense for you, it's easy to dial it back. These dog portraits below have less separation between subject and background, and the subject is further from the camera. The background also isn't as textured. Twist 60's subtle vignette still makes your subject POP, but without so much swirly bokeh.

twist60_dog-blog-11 twist 60 photo by chris zielecki
dsc04715-edit-2_fordogblogkeri twist 60 photo by keri friedman
untitled-19-10_1000pblog twist 60 photo by greig reid

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