twist 60

Halloween BTS with Patrick Shipstad

Go behind the scenes and discover how

Halloween is a good time to browse the thrift stores for inexpensive costumes and props… and those new-found treasures can sure bring some inspiration to photograph something a little out of the ordinary. Last October while thrift shopping, I found a headband with some horns, a feathered headdress, a nest, and some Easter eggs. In the past, I had done a few photoshoots with crows in them and it seemed like a good time to do another one. So, after putting together my props and costumes I decided to make what I call “The Mother of Crows” shot. And when I’m looking for that “wow factor” in a shot, I know my Lensbaby lenses will take a photo concept to the next level.

One of my favorite lenses is the

Next was to photograph “the mother of crows” and some extra costume elements in front of a green screen in diffused, overcast light like it was in the forest, and with the same Twist 60 lens. After compositing all the elements and photoshopping my beautiful wife into some kind of fairy tale crow-witch thing, the photo was done and it was everything I had hoped for. But for all the post-processing work I did, there was one element that I would never attempt in post and that was the unique magic that the Twist 60 brought “in camera” to the shoot. And I’m positive the shot would not have that extra something special, if it were not for my trusty Lensbaby Twist 60.

Check out more of Patrick’s work on his website and Instagram.

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