
Depth of Field Tips

Your chosen depth of field - controlled by your aperture - can dramatically change the feel of your image.Photographer Sam Gray took these gorgeous photos of dogwood trees with his Composer Pro with Sweet 35 Optic to illustrate the comparison. The first image was shot at f/2.8 and the second was shot at f/8.


Notice how the image shot at f/8 has a larger spot of focus rendering the the right flower quite sharp, along with more detail in the background. The image shot at f/2.8 just has a portion of the front flowers in focus. Changing your aperture is easy with the Sweet 35 Optic - simply rotate the dial on the front of the optic.


Still have questions about how aperture and shutter speed work? We've put together this Quick Shot Card to help answer those questions.Quickshot2-1


See more of Sam Gray's work at DesignBySamGray.comblur-out-distractions

Whether you want a wide angle of view or to see up close the Pro Effects Kit has you covered.

Want more ideas for how to use the Pro Effects Kit? Read about our photo trip to the Oregon coast in Tips & Tricks.

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Lensbaby Composer Pro Edge 80 Sweet 35 multiple portrait photograph daughter

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