Sol 22

Creator of the Week | Michele James

Creators are more than just skilled visual artists. They push boundaries, experiment, take risks, follow their passions, and look for different ways of expressing themselves. Our Creator of the Week series shines a spotlight on the creatives behind the camera, as well as the amazing work they produce.

This week's featured artist is Michele James, a photographer based in California USA, who thrives on challenging herself creatively.

What does creativity mean to you?

Doing whatever sets my heart free. Stepping outside society's definition of the "norm".

What do you think about the concept of perfection in regards to creative output?

What is perfection? It is all subjective in my opinion. What turns someone else on may not be my cup of tea. My "perfection" is what makes me smile. It is what I see on the back of my camera when I have nailed something!

What is your favorite part of the creative process?

Laying in bed at night coming up with all these weird ideas about things I want to photograph! Walking around somewhere and all of the sudden seeing something that I know is going to look amazing and shooting and then hearing someone else say "I didn't even see that when I was there!".

What is your current favorite Lensbaby lens?

My Sol 22!

Why do you enjoy shooting with Lensbaby lenses?

I love the softness and mystery it can lend to a photograph. I feel that with my adjustable sweet spot on the Sol I can almost lead a person's eye and tell them a story!

All images shot with Sol 22.

Check out more of Michele's work at her website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

If you'd like to be considered as a Lensbaby Creator of the Week - simply answer your choice of at least 5 of the questions in the submissions form, along with up to 10 of your favorite Lensbaby images.

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