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© Ute Reckhorn

© Ute Reckhorn

Neo Noir with OMNI

  • 3 min read
Alan Lugo Lensbaby OMNI

Neo Noir with OMNI

Photographer & Event Producer Alan Lugo reveals the inspiration behind his moody Neo Noir series shot with the OMNI Creative Filter System.

When did you discover your passion for visual creation?

I discovered my passion for visual creation early in life. When I was younger, I used to steal my Dad’s VHS camcorder from his closet and make mini-movies with the toys I had laying around. As I grew older I started using photographic cameras that friends would let me borrow. Using a photo camera taught me early on to pay attention to the details within my frame. Eventually, with practice, I became a much better shooter.

I moved to New York City and it was there that I really got the photo education I was looking for. I was blessed with the opportunity to work at B&H photo, located in Midtown Manhattan and it was at B&H that I was able to meet some of my favorite photographers and pick their brains for the knowledge that helped to further increase my shooting skills.


What are your favorite subjects/genres to shoot?

My favorite shooting style is portraiture with an emphasis on urban backgrounds. I am lucky to use the streets of New York and Tokyo as a backdrop and the grit of both cities has really shaped my shooting style.


You’ve shot an amazing neo noir street series with OMNI. Can you tell us a little bit about this project and how OMNI played a part in your creative vision?

The inspiration for my latest portrait series with OMNI is the movie Blade Runner. It is one of my favorite movies and I’ve wanted to encapsulate the visual vibe from that movie for a while. When the OMNI was first launched, I had the opportunity to check it out at a photo show and I realized then that the OMNI was the tool I was looking for that would help my Blade Runner/ CyberPunk style shoots come to life.


What was the experience of shooting with OMNI like?

My experience shooting with the OMNI has been fantastic. I’ve tried to use objects such as fabric or glass before to give me unique looks but it was always so cumbersome. With the OMNI, I am able to attach multiple objects to the front of my lens which vastly increases the creative freedom I have. Thanks to Lensbaby, I can shoot without thinking about how I will hold creative tools in front of my lens, which allows me to focus on the subject matter in front of me.

Alan Lugo Lensbaby OMNI
Alan Lugo Lensbaby OMNI
What does creativity mean to you?

Creativity to me means pure freedom. It’s the freedom to really be yourself no matter how dark or scary the world becomes. Creativity is a gift given to every human no matter who you are or where you come from. Creativity is beautiful.


Where do you find inspiration and motivation for your work?

I usually find inspiration in the streets around me. When you are in tune with your environment, inspiration will flow like water. Meeting other like-minded individuals also inspires and motivates me to shoot. When I hang out with other shooters, we often vibe off of each other and can be a huge help if I am ever feeling stagnant or if I’ve hit a creative wall.


How do you continue to push yourself to grow & evolve as an artist?

I keep pushing myself forward by constantly trying out new shooting techniques and traveling to different locations around the world. I personally believe to evolve as an artist, one needs to change their surroundings from time to time. Its like cleansing your palette after eating pizza for a week straight and diving face first into another delicious meal.

Check out more of Alan Lugo's work

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Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes

Author Maxim Tourou / Category Architecture / Published: Apr-05-2018
